How can you really afford to drink Shakeology?
"Shakeology costs how much??" - said pretty much everyone I talk to
My answer: "Only $4/day!!" in my most excited, high-pitched voice ever. Once I see the crazy look in their eyes, I realize that they are hinting that it is expensive....I want to share with you the benefits of Shakeology, but before I get into that, here's how it saved me money.
Once upon a time, when I first heard about Shakeology 2 1/2 years ago, I heard that it was supposed to speed up your results when paired with a workout. So my first thought - it's a protein shake. An expensive one at that! Not once, did I consider it a health shake.
Here are some tips to add Shakeology to your routine without breaking the bank:
- Skip the trip to Starbucks: An average coffee or some crazy grande pumpkin spiced latte is about $4, which Starbucks admits to an 80% markup! Yes, it may wake you up with the caffeine and sugar, but tell me this, how do you feel after a few hours? Do you crash? Do you need another cup? Makes you wonder, there has to be something else out there that's healthier. Um yes! Shakeology's newest flavor, Cafe Latte, can help you out with this one!
- Min. Saved Weekly: $12
- Ditch the vitamins and supplements: Being healthy isn't cheap. Do you have multiple vitamins and supplements you take each day? Daily vitamin? Multivitamin? Shakeology takes the guess work out of it. It includes over 70 super foods and in its synergistic form works together to keep my body healthy, my cells fed, and my body overflowing with energy. I don't need to take anything else. It's all in there! Done!
- Cancel the gym membership: Before I started working out at home, I would go to the gym. I would wake up at 5am, get changed, brush teeth, grab clothes and drive 20 minutes each way to the gym. I would get there around 6, have time for an hour workout, 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of fighting people for machines and weights. I would drive 20 minutes back and race to get to work on time. With Shakeology, I had access to a coach 24/7 and was part of an accountability group online so no need to go anywhere!
- Min. Saved Weekly: $10
- Learn to meal plan: Have you ever gone to the grocery store hungry? Well, I would say about 95% of my grocery trips were that way! I never went with a list. I always went after work. Disaster. Then I learned about meal planning. Every Sunday, I planned the week. Shakeology was my breakfast, so no need to plan for that! And then lunches and dinners were so easy! And I saved so much $$. No snacks, no coffee, no breakfast foods (other than what goes into my shake). I stuck to the essentials and it was the best.
- Min. Saved Weekly $20
- Make lists: This is very similar to meal planning but for other things as well! Clothes, supplies, household items, etc. Find the line between what you need and what you want... Once you learn to limit the groceries to what you need, it carries throughout your life.
- Min. Saved Weekly: $10
- Use refillable water bottles: I have this amazing water bottle that I refill twice a day. It's a Nalgene that keeps track of your water intake! It's an absolute life saver! And if you purchase cases/bottles of water, this is a no-brainer!
- Min. Saved Weekly: $5

Total cost drinking Shakeology each week: $28
Difference: $39
Monthly Savings: $156/month!!
It's all about perspective. I drink it everyday. I know it's worth every penny. I know when I do not drink it. Shakeology has done so much for me and my health the last few years:
- Boosts immune system: [knock on wood] but I have not been sick, like truly sick, since I started drinking it. No flu, no bad colds, nothing!
- Long term results: You lose weight, it stays off... even if you miss a day. It's not a quick fix. It's a lifestyle change.
- Healthier hair, skin and nails!
- Energy, the natural way! So many people say to me, "how can you survive through a day without coffee in the morning!?" - my answer: Shakeology, duh! No caffeine, no crashes, just natural energy that lasts through the day. I feel more alert and focused during the day too!
- You just feel amazing! I used to get stomach pains at random times. Now, they are non-existent! Not since I started drinking it.
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